Passport & Visa Photos AI APP

Guarantee of Acceptance. Digital + Print

Free! Compliance Check and Photo Editing

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Passport photos can be created at home without the need to go to any professional studio, but if you are doing this, make sure to avoid mistakes while resizing your photo. Resizing the photo to the right size is necessary when you are preparing your documents at home. PhotoForID can automatically resize your passport photo to meet the size and specification requirements of different countries.

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Resizing Passport Size Photo

Resizing passport size photos can be difficult, but by following the right guidelines and avoiding common mistakes, you can ensure that your passport photo meets the official regulations. Here are some common mistakes to avoid while resizing passport size photos:

Incorrect dimensions: The photograph must be precisely 2”x2” inches and must not have a white border.
Over-exposure or lightness: Glare in the photograph or light reflecting on the face and eyes.
Shadows and dark spots: All facial features must be visible.

Tips for Taking Passport Size Photo

  • Submit a recent 6-month color picture.
  • Use a clean facial image.
  • Avoid social media filters.
  • Consider having someone else snap your picture. No selfies.
  • Remove spectacles for photos.
  • Use a white or plain off-white backdrop with no texture, lines, or shadows.
  • Photos need to show you clearly without any editing.

Cropping Images To Passport Size With Right Guidelines

Before resizing an image to a passport size, you must get familiar with the right size for both printed and digital photographs.

For Printed Passport Photo:

Aspect ratio: 4:3
Size: 2×2 inches (51×51 mm)
Head size: 1–1⅜ inch in height
Photo paper: matte or glossy photo-quality paper

For Digital Passport Photo:

Resolution: ≥600 pixels per inch (ppi)
Format: JPEG
File size: ≤240KB
Head size: 50–69% in height

PhotoForID: Using a Professional Editor For Resizing Passport Photos

While you can resize a passport photo manually using Photoshop, Lightroom, Paint, or Word, this method requires more time and effort. The quickest and safest option to get your photograph resized correctly is by using a professional editor. PhotoForID is powered with AI technology with a Human check feature which can make your photo compliance-ready for various countries. The tool offers a built-in resizer that will get your photo ready in a snap. After your photo is processed, you can download your passport photo or order a print of it.