How to Take a Baby Passport Photo?

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Baby passport photos are produced in a comparatively different way than children and adults. Every country has its own requirements but when it comes to babies, the formality is more or less the same. So let’s take a look into how you can take a baby passport photo while complying with government regulations.


Taking a Photo at a Photo Store

The first thing you should do when it comes to taking baby passport photos is visiting a photo store. However, sometimes the experience could be disappointing. The photographer needs to make sure the infant’s face is clear and focused in the image. It could be difficult to make them sit straight, which does not comply with the rules and regulations.

But if that does not work, you can take a photo at any location as long as the background is plain and clear. Simply place a color paper for background (as recommended by the authorities) and make your baby sit straight. The baby should not be holding any toys. Plus, make sure there aren’t any shadows or items nearby that distract the main focus of the image. Your infant should not be drooling or wearing anything that covers the identity.


Taking a Photo at Home

At home, you are pretty much taking photos of your little one almost everyday. So you just need to create the right conditions to come up with the perfect photo. Perhaps the best way of doing that is by inviting a professional photographer who can snap some photos.

If that is not the case, you will need to take photos on your own. You simply need to create the perfect conditions. Simply lay down your baby on the bed with a plain white sheet in the background.

Place the camera directly above your baby and use the robust mode to capture several shots. At the same time, make sure the lighting conditions are perfect by utilizing light from different sources. Do not use the shutter as it can create shadows.

Furthermore, the most difficult part of the process is keeping the head of your infant straight-up. The reason is that at this stage, the necks of infants are too weak to support the weight. Therefore, you can place your baby on a baby seat or put some support around their head.


Making Photos Perfect Using Photoforid

Once you have taken the photo, you will need to make sure it complies with the regulations. For that reason, you could use tools like PhotoforID that will ensure your baby’s photo is perfect for application.

  1. Simply visit the PhotoforID website and upload your photo.
  2. Next, select the country and photo type.
  3. Click the Submit Photo button to upload the photo.


When the photo is loaded, the software will run a quality check and inspect the distance, color, picture angle etc. If the photo passes the initial inspection, the web service will edit and convert the image for your document.


The best fact about PhotoforID is that you do not have to make any adjustments. The tool is designed to automatically make changes using features like picture resizing, background removal and automatic picture cropping to make the final product perfect.



Following the government’s rules & regulations pertaining to baby passport photos can be a tedious task. Therefore, make the process easier by following the tips mentioned above and using PhotoforID to ensure all requirements are met.